Whimsy and charm look great in any decor. Create this fun mirror, allowing your princess reflect on queendom.
Find the centre of the 2' square hardboard and cut out an 11" square from the middle. (I drilled a pilot hole in the corner and then cut with the saw.)
Cut crown from hardboard cut from the middle piece. Cut, glue and nail trim on. Paint as desired. (To create large dots, the rounded end of the foam roller was dipped in paint, lightly blotted and pressed on the surface.)
Enlarge your chosen saying to size and trace on with carbon paper. Outline and finish with marker. (A quick alternative to carbon paper is to cover the reverse side of the paper with your saying with pencil lead, then trace your saying on the mirror.)
Place and mark where mirror should be and glue into place with silicone glue.
Hang using 70 lb. wire and eye screws.
Beauti-Tone Paint Colours:
3K3-7, 1C3-4
8296-462 Wooden Plugs, 1656-407 Foam Roller Kit, 2031-223 Clear Silicone Glue, 2134-425 1-1/4" Finishing Nails, 2020-173 Home Carpenter Glue, 1613-828 Foam Brush, 1240-384 Drill, 2352-741 70 lb. Wire, 1268-666 Jigsaw, 2361-571 Eye Screws, 1030-306 Hammer, 1347-661 Miter Saw, 5525-611 Gloves, 1310-352/361 Safety Glasses, Black Magic Marker, Craft Paint in Misc. Colours, 1/4" Hardboard Measuring 2' x 2', 12" Mirror Tile 2533-501 (6 per Carton), 8' of 1/4" Cove Moulding.